Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Home Remedies for Acne

You might have noticed a number of advertisements from so many cosmetic companies. These advertisements which can be seen on television and on web and could be heard on radio claim to be the best product for acne treatment. But the fact it is these product contain many chemicals which may not suit to every skin type. This could make your problem worse.
There are a number of natural and herbal products available which are not only safe for your skin but recommended by science and time for curing acne. The only thing you need to do is that you have to collect proper information about these natural remedies. These natural remedies can be prepared at home and the ingredients are easily available at any retail store. Some of the best natural remedies which you can prepare at your own home are mentioned below.
Honey holds antibacterial properties. These antibacterial properties make it a very good antiseptic agent which can kill bacteria. These bacteria forms acne and make it worse. You should remember to use 100% pure honey for acne treatment.
Baking soda
This substance contains healing properties due to which it can dry up the skin oil and lessen up redness and swelling from skin. This also helps in prevention of skin outbursts for acne.
This substance is also called universal solvent. For acne cure, this solvent is used for mixing baking soda and honey and to produce this excellent solution.
Procedure for acne treatment

1. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and four tablespoons of water in a container and mix them well to make a paste like product.
2. Then this mixture should be applied on the affected areas and massaged for a few seconds.
3. Then the said mixture should be washed off.
4. Then one teaspoon of honey should be added to the leftover solution.
5. Apply this as a mask on all over the face.
6. This solution should be washed off with warm water after it gets dried up.
Such home remedies are not only safe but also effective in treating acne.

Natural cures for acne

Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder which generally arises in the adolescent years. Although, acne is observed in adults also. It is believed that it occurs due to the increased levels of natural oils and testosterone hormone in the body during the adolescent years. But some other factors like stress, uneven living habits and psychological trouble may also lead to formation of acne. Fortunately a number of products are present in market to fight against acne. It is a general recommendation that you should go for natural products if you have any skin problem so as to avoid any allergy. Various natural products that can be used to treat acne are as follows:
Natural products present in markets
Aloe Vera, tea tree oil, vitamin A and zinc are some natural components which give good results for treatment of acne. Although the natural products found in markets contain preservative chemicals which can be harmful in some specific cases. Hence, it is advisable to consult a doctor before choosing a treatment for yourself.
Aloe Vera
This enzyme-rich watery gel possesses calming anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is fine for internal use as well where it helps in detoxification of digestive tract which n turn helps in cleaning of skin.
Tea Tree Oil
This oil is extracted from Melaleuca alternifoliais tree found in Australia and is very effectual in treating acne. It comprises of a bacteria-combating substance Terpenes which either weaken the bacteria or kill them right away. It produces very less side-effects.
Vitamin A & E

Where Vitamin A encourages clean skin, Vitamin E acts as a natural antioxidant which is good for skin.
Zinc capsules strengthen the immune system and heal the skin.
Homemade cures
Consuming lots of water and green leafy vegetables and fruits is good for skin. Applying a blend of honey, real tomato pulp and rose water on face is also good. You can also apply a blend of lemon juice, cream and glycerin at night time. Yoga also improves skin and health on the whole.
Things Not-to-do
Avoid popping pimple and touching your face, keep your hair away from your face. If suffering from severe acne, avoid heavy make-up.

Nodular acne Causes Treatment Remedies

Acne is a constant inflammatory skin problem which can occur due to various factors including excess production of keratin and sebum, bacterial attack, etc. Acne is a very common problem which almost everyone has to encounter in their lives. The only difference is that some people have mild acne problem like whiteheads, blackheads, etc., but some have severe acne problem like nodular acne which is also called nodulocystic acne.
What is nodular acne?
In this kind of acne, the spots are developed in the lower layer of skin with hard and large lumps. These lumps are comparatively bigger than lesions and are painful. This kind of acne occurs on face, chest and back. The acne should not be squeezed as it can harm the skin.
Causes of nodular acne
It is well known that acne occurs due to blockage of skin pores. Sebaceous glands produces sebum and this has to pass from the hair shaft to the surface of skin. When a large amount of sebum gets locked up in the pores of skin, it causes acne. The blockage in skin deep causes nodular acne.
Treatment for nodular acne
Nodular acne should be treated in the beginning stage to avoid any complications. Now days, creams are available for acne treatment from mild acne to modular acne. But nodular acne is a severe kind of acne and needs oral antibiotic and laser treatment.
Home remedies for nodular acne
Natural remedies are also available for nodular acne treatment. These remedies work only if you use them on regular basis. Face should be cleansed with lukewarm water before applying any of the below given remedies.
Mint leaves: Application of fresh mint leaves juice should be applied on the affected parts as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Apple cider vinegar: Dilute this vinegar in water in proportion of 1:3 and apply on face at night. Rinse the application next morning.
Tea tree oil: Application of tea tree oil can reduce nodular acne.
Cinnamon and honey mixture: This application helps in condensing nodular acne.
It should be kept in mind that this kind of acne should not be touched or squeezed as it can make it worse.

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