Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Tips For Healthy Hair


Being able to obtain tips for healthy hair is an excellent way to ensure you know about the latest products, best available tools, and more current techniques for taking care of hair. Some people appear never to have bad hair days. They look as though they have just stepped out of a salon, no matter what day of the week. However, if you are like most people, you probably have the typical morning hair and do not look “put together” 24 hours a day, even though you may want to.
The good news is that you can have great hair, simply by knowing the following secrets, which we have provided as tips for healthy hair. Best of all, these are things that every person can do without excessive fussing. Instead of putting on the old ball cap to hide and unsightly head of hair, try the following and enjoy great looking hair all the time. Keep in mind that the first step is changing your mindset. Get rid of your scarves, hats, turbans, and other things used to hide your hair and embrace change.
  1. Haircut – One of the best tips for healthy hair is to ensure your hair looks great by getting regular haircuts. Now keep in mind when choosing a hairstyle, if you find that the stylist needs 30 to 45 minutes in the salon to make your hair look perfect, then when you get home, you will never be able to recreate the same look. Instead, you want a haircut that looks natural and requires little fuzz.

    Make sure the stylist understands the four important aspects of a haircut to include density, texture, type, and facial shape. For instance, if you have thick, coarse hair, then you would not want a full perm or if you have a full, round face, you want your hair to be pulled away from the face to make it look thinner. Finally, a good haircut should last six weeks, looking great every day.

  2. Work with Nature – Everyone has different hair. It might be that your hair is fine, thick, wavy, straight, and so on. To look its best, you need to work with your natural hair. Otherwise, you will find that you become enslaved to your hair, going through constant coloring, relaxing, cutting, chemical applications, etc.

  3. Use Products Wisely – Go easy on the products. If you apply gel to your hair, rather than fill the palms of your hands with the product, use a small, dime-size portion. The same would be true with hairspray. You do not want your hair to appear stiff but flowing and natural. Therefore, use a small amount of spray, allowing your hair to have movement.

    Another tip for healthy hair is that using too much products will cause your hair to appear greasy and weighted down. You also want to be careful when mixing and matching products. Instead of applying a leave-in conditioner, styling mousse, gel, and then hairspray, simply shampoo and condition your hair and then use one product. Additionally, it would be best to use the same brands in that they are designed to work together for the best results.

  4. Hair Rollers – Many people today use rollers to achieve soft curls. If you plan using rollers on your hair, you want to use them right. For example, unheated rollers should be used on damp hair while heated rollers would be used on dry hair.

    After you shampoo your hair, do not use products until the hair is no longer wet, but just damp. For one, if you apply the product sooner, the hair will take longer to dry, thus taking longer to curl. Two, you will not get a consistent curls. When you put rollers in your hair, place the largest rollers at the top near the roots to produce the most volume. Just make sure you do not position the rollers right up to the roots or it can pull and stretch the hair, causing damage.

    When you unwind the rollers, take your time. Too often, hair will become entangled, causing frustration and pulling. This breaks and tears the hair, making it look frizzy. Then to get a natural curl, instead of using a brush to form tight curls, flip your head over and with your fingers, comb through your hair. Then you flip your hair back, it will be soft and natural.

  5. Roots – The roots of your hair can be damaged in a number of ways. Therefore, before you start blow-drying or curling, make sure you take care of the roots. For starters, a tip for healthy hair is that when you blow dry, your hair, start by drying the root area first. The same would be true when applying hair products. You will get more volume by applying to the roots first and then working your way down.

  6. Preparation – One problem that many people face is that as the day progresses, the hair becomes dull and tired looking. If you are faced with this challenge, then you reactivate your morning’s gel or mousse with a simply spritz of water.

    Another great tool is to purchase a miniature curling iron that can be kept in your purse or desk. Then at lunch, you can take five minutes to refresh the curls, looking just as good, as you did in the morning. If you wear your hair long, then use scrunchies to wrap it up several times a day. When you take the hair down, you will have instant fluff and volume.

  7. Body – Dealing with limp, lifeless hair is another common problem. To get the thickness and body you want, you need to make sure your hair is washed with a quality shampoo and conditioner. Then when you dry your hair, bend over at the waist and blow your hair upside down. Once the hair is approximately 50% dry, apply mousse or gel and with a vent brush, work it through. Now, flip your head over again, drying until completely dry.

  8. Go Easy – Purchase some of the up do tools sold at stores to help put your hair up so it looks neat rather than just thrown together. To make this work, you need to gather all your hair as neatly as possible and then wind or roll it in one direction. With the updo tool, put the hair up and then secure it with bobby pins.

  9. Darn Those Cowlicks - Many men and women struggle with cowlicks but instead of fighting these areas of the hair, use them to your advantage. For example, you can start a part or sweep the hair over at the location of the cowlick and have a nice lift. Another option is to brush your hair over toward the cowlick with a little bit of gel. The result will be a nice fullness that makes the hair look great and hides the cowlick.

  10. Regular Trims – In addition to having a great cut, our last tip for healthy hair is to keep up with regular trims. Unfortunately, women will try to stretch the time out as long as possible but even waiting one week can make a big difference.

Tips For Straightening Hair


When considering having your hair straightened, you probably have tons of questions. To help walk you through the process so you can make wise choices, we have provided tips for straightening hair. First, people of all ethnic groups commonly have their hair straightened. For some, they are born with unruly hair and need the hair straightened to make it more manageable while other people simply prefer a smoother, sleeker look to keep up with trends.
Regardless of the reason why you want to have your hair straightened, it is important that you start by understanding that you will be having strong chemicals applied to your hair and if not done right, permanent damage could be done. This is why we have put together valuable tips for straightening hair.
Although it might be tempting to straighten your own hair with an over-the-counter product, we would highly recommend you go one-step further and have a professional do the straightening for you! The goal is to have a positive experience that results in magnificent-looking hair, without damage. While the process of hair straightening is not necessarily a difficult one, a specific technique needs to be followed.
Without knowing how to use this technique, things could go wrong. For this reason, the professional can start by performing a strand test on your hair. This will help him or her determine how strong your hair is, the texture, elasticity, and porosity. With the strand test, the professional will know whether it can handle the chemicals used, and if so, what type. This test involves the hair being pulled to determine how elastic it is and then a small amount of relaxer is applied to see how the hair reacts. If every thing goes according to plan, then the hair can be straightened. Additional tips for straightening hair include information on the three primary steps involved:
  1. Protective petroleum cream might be applied, as a means of shielding the scalp. Additionally, this cream will help against hair that has been relaxed or damaged previously. The one thing to remember is that this cream must be applied to loose, soft, natural curls.
  2. Once the hair has processed, the chemicals are then rinsed with warm water and a neutralizing formula is applied. This will help the process oxidize, as well as restore the pH in the hair.
  3. Finally, a special conditioner is applied to help the hair relax.
If you have hair that has been damaged from overuse of hairstyling tools or other types of chemicals, then it is possible that your hair will have to be conditioned before the straightening process can begin. What chemical hair straightening does is rearrange the structure of your curly hair so that it becomes straight.
The three chemicals typically used include sodium hydroxide, which is very serious and harsh, ammonium thioglycolate, which is less intense, to guanidine hydroxide, which has no lye in it and the most gentle of the three options. Again, since these chemicals are just that, chemicals. Therefore, misuse can not only damage the hair follicles, but the scalp and skin as well.
Keep in mind that when hair has been chemically straightening hair, it typically requires special care to ensure the hair does not dry out. For instance, you will need to use a deep conditioning treatment a minimum of twice a week. Additionally, a quality detangling produce used with a wide toothed comb would be needed.
Now, keep in mind that while you might see various products on the market that say they can straighten your hair without chemicals, the bottom line is they do not work. You could use a flat brush or flat iron, along with smoothing gel to straighten your hair but this would be temporary and probably not be as straight as you might like. Another option would be to use a blow dryer to straighten the hair. However, these methods will only last until the next time you wash your hair, caught in the rain, or end up in a humid environment.
Although you might want your hair straight, another option is to love the wave or curls you were born with, using the temporary methods for an occasional different look. Just remember that many people with straight hair wish they had waves or curls so not everyone is happy, regardless of the type of hair. Before rushing into such a big change, see how the new style would actually suit your look with one of the hairstyle imagery software packages available such as Stellure, simply send in your photo, and with the click of the button go from blonde and curly to a long, straight brunette hairstyle.
The most important thing is to make sure your hair is not damaged! Beautiful, shiny hair that is curly is much more attractive than straight, over processed hair. Just be smart about your choices! We hope these tips for straightening hair has given you valuable insight.

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