Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Celebrity Hair Styles

Of all the hairstyles in the world, celebrity hair styles are always the ones we try to mimic. Celebrities seem to have the most amazing hair, always perfect. Many times, celebrities set the trends that the rest of us follow. If you want to change your ho-hum style and are not sure what you want, you can begin by looking in magazines or on the internet at celebrity hair styles.
Take Jennifer Aniston for starters. Probably more than any other celebrity, she has set hair trends left and right. No matter what style she wears, her hair always appears fresh and sleek. She has worn her hair in the standard bob to a style known as “her” style. One of the interesting things about Jennifer Aniston and other celebrity hair styles is that you do not need to be worth millions to achieve the same look.
To recreate the chin-length cut that made Jennifer Aniston’s hair so popular, you want to use a good, moisturizing shampoo, especially if your hair is colored as hers is. Then, to condition the hair, you need to use a detangler, which will make your hair smooth and shiny while not added weight. Next, towel-dry your hair and apply a quality volumizer at the roots. With a comb, form a messy part so the hair can fall into place naturally. The goal here is to make the hair appear stylish without looking too polished.
Now, your hair should be pre-dried, which can be done by running your fingers through it while blowing it dry on low heat. Before you begin styling, the hair will need to be damp, but not wet. Start the styling at the back, working on the underside. With a large, round brush and the blow dryer on medium heat, you want to guide the hair so it becomes straight. Hold the airflow on the ends with the brush creating a very slight under curl.
Finally, using a very small amount of pomade, you will work it through your hair to the ends, starting about one-inch from the roots. Keep in mind that if you have hair that is fine and straight, you will probably want to pass this step. This is just one of many celebrity hair styles that you can follow.

Straight or Curly, What look is for you? Click here to find out
To achieve Nicole’s chic look use a large, round brush and a blow dryer, work through the hair to straighten it.
Another person that we like to imitate is Nicole Kidman. Among celebrity hair styles, her hair is always sophisticated and elegant. No matter the length that she chooses or the color, her hair looks perfect. To achieve Nicole’s chic look with straight hair, you want to start with a good shampoo and conditioner. Then, towel-dry your hair and spray on a treatment to help with any frizz.
Using a large, round brush and a blow dryer, work through the hair to straighten it. If you want to add shine to your hair, choose a boar bristle brush! Next, with a hot iron, start at the back and work on the underside. The goal is to guide the iron down straight while blowing the hair dry on medium heat.
Now you want to apply a silicone-based shine product to your hands and work it through your hair, moving in a downward motion. Take a one-inch section of your hair and pull it back from the middle of the forehead. Then gently brush it back, clipping it with a jeweled barrette. The look is gorgeous and definite “celebrity.”
Finally, when it comes to the most amazing celebrity hair styles, no one does it better than Madonna does. For years, this celebrity has kept us guessing at her next move, sometimes surprising us with a bizarre hairstyle and other times, with a style so chic we all want it. Madonna falls into the category of celebrity hair styles that includes interesting, intriguing, and enchanting.
To achieve her beautiful shoulder-length hairstyle, start by washing your hair with a moisturizing shampoo, followed by a towel dry. Then, apply a nickel size amount of leave-in conditioner, working it from about midway down the hair to the ends. Now, you want to take a two-inch section of hair and blow-dry it from the back. With a three-inch brush, take hair at the scalp and while pulling it straight down, apply medium heat. As soon as the brush gets to the ends, allow the hair to fall off the brush, creating a sleek, straight look.
Next, at the front of the hair, you will dry it just as you did the back but rather than pull the hair down using the brush, pull it toward the ceiling with the brush. This will actually help create volume and lift. To create soft curls, use a three and one-half inch curling iron. Divide the hair at the back of your head, securing the sides up with clips. However, you will need to leave one-inch of hair falling on both sides.
Each of the sections will be sprayed with a light hairspray and placing the curling iron at the midway point of the hair, drag it down to the ends. Next, you will roll the hair vertically in a clockwise direction. Do this on the other side, going in a counterclockwise direction. For the front of your hair, you want to place the curling iron lower on the hair shaft, again curling in opposite directions. Once you have curled all your hair, use a soft wide-toothed comb to lift the curls gently without causing them to fall. To keep the curls in place, spritz them lightly. The result will be that now you have a celebrity hair style just like Madonna.

Black Hair Styles

People of color have different challenges than other people when it comes to hair. Since black hair is typically courser and wiry, choosing the right style can sometimes be difficult. For many people of color, they want a head of sleek hair. The good news is that good, black hair styles are not difficult to achieve, as long as you know how.
If you were interested in a long, black hair style, you need to remember that the way and amount of hair growth will depend on several things. First, the way in which hair grows has a lot to do with genetics. Therefore, while there might be one family that can wear just about any type of black hair style, other families struggle to get their hair below the chin. Another consideration has to do with health. If you are trying to achieve long hair, certain illnesses such as thyroid or lupus will have an affect on the outcome.
To grow your hair so you can wear it long, you need to make sure you are eating a well balanced diet, have little to no stress in your life, do not smoke, keep your hair clean and healthy, and overall take care of yourself. Additionally, you want to avoid greasing your hair every day, which can actually clog the pores on your scalp. Also, try to avoid using relaxers, if possible, do not bleach your hair, only use hot irons or curls occasionally, and have split ends trimmed. All of these things combined will help you achieve the goal of having any number of long, black hair styles.
Additionally, people of color often wear their hair in dreadlocks, fondly referred to as “locs.” This black hair style requires your hair to be washed, deep conditioned, and oiled prior to starting. From there, you can create the locs on dry or wet hair but if your hair is wet, once the locs are in place, you will need to sit in the sun or under a dryer to allow them to set.
Locs have been a favorite among black hair styles for years. People such as Bob Marley and Lenny Kravitz have made them stylish, popular, and even sexy. To get started, you need to section your hair in braids the thickness that you want the locs. Just keep in mind that about a month or so after you have created the locs, they will expand so be careful not to start too large.
The next step for this black hair style is the braiding and obviously, your hair will need to be long enough to do this. With the sections you have created, make small, individual braids. If your hair is long, you might need to use some type of sticking gel, such as gel or beeswax.
  • For short hair, you would use a rattail comb to make a comb twist. The comb needs to be placed at the scalp. Then, you will twist the hair downward, using the comb’s teeth. If you want this black hair style to be thin, then use very small parts. Typically, this type of loc will last several weeks.

  • Another technique is the finger twisting. To make these locs, your hair would need to be a minimum of half-inch long. Again, section the hair, add a little bit of loc styling product, and use your finger to twirl the hair, creating a coil. If needed, you can use bobby pins to secure the locs to your head. If you want to ensure this black hair style does not become frizzy, place a scarf on your head overnight.

  • Palm rolls are yet another technique in which the hair needs to be at least three inches long. With a little styling product applied to your sectioned hair, you will place the strands of hair in between your hands and rub them back and forth. This will form a spiral type loc.

  • Finally, the two-strand twist can be done on hair that is a minimum of two inches long. Again, apply a small amount of loc styling product on the sectioned hair and then create a double strand and twist the hair, unlike braiding that would require three strands. The result will appear like a rope. This particular black hair style is a favorite

Face Bleaching

Face bleach is usually used to give the face clear and neat look because it covers all the hairs present on your face.But it is a misconception bleach only colors the hair of your face and thus it gives a neat look.There are two types of bleach available in the market one is powder bleach and the other is liquid bleach.Liquid bleach is usually used in face polishing.To do bleach properly i am giving you the procedure below.Always use the bleach cream of good quality.
The ingredients required for bleach are
2 tablespoon bleach cream
1 teaspoon activator or powder
1/2 teaspoon water
4 drops of rose water
Mix them properly and then apply any cold cream on your face.After the massage of cold cream apply bleach mixture over the face and neck.Leave it for 10 to 15 mins according to the sensitivity of your skin but the mins should not exceed 20.Then wash it off with cold water.Apply soothing lotion always after bleaching

Facial masks for beautiful skin Home remedies for skin care.

Skin care is a part of our everyday life and facial masks can help us with that. Let's face it-our skin shows signs of aging first. Aging is individual for everyone and depends on many factors such as: genetics, lifestyle, general health and work conditions, and climate. All of those factors take their toll on our skin. Do not wait for the first signs of aging to appear; start caring for your skin as early as possible. This applies to both women and men alike.

Home made facial masks are good because it takes just minutes to prepare them,they are cheap and they give wonderful results. Facial masks should be used regularly, at least once a week, for the best results.
Some people choose just few skin care products and stick to them; some people like trying new and different ones. It does not matter as long as it makes you happy. However, remember that some ingredients may cause allergic reactions. Consult your doctor or do a skin test before using any new beauty product.
Facial mask for busy woman: Cut open 2-3 grapes and smear their juice over the face, neck and eyelids. Wash off in 15-20 min with cold water.
Moisturizer and makeup remover: Combine 1 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of coconut oil, 1 tbsp of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp of mashed strawberries, and 1-2 drops of vitamin E. Keep in a fridge in a covered jar.
Cold cream-moisturizer: Combine 1 beaten egg yolk and 2 tbsp of lemon juice. Stirring constantly, slowly add ½ cup of olive oil and ½ cup of vegetable oil until the mixture thickens like paste. If too thick add more lemon juice. Spread over your face for 10-15 min and wash off with warm water.
Facial masks that clean and revitalize skin and tighten pores :
Add 3-5 drops of lemon juice to a beaten egg white and spread it over the face and upper part of the neck. When first layer dries up apply second one. Keep for 15-20 min and wash off with lukewarm water.
Beat 1 egg white to thick foam and add ½ tsp of honey, ½ tsp of fresh milk and ½ tsp of lemon juice. Mix well and add a little bit of flour to make it thicker. Apply to the face and keep on for 20 min. Wash off facial mask with cool water without soap.
Combine 2 tbsp of water, 2 tbsp of alcohol and 100 g of warmed up honey. Keep the mask on for 10-12 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Combine 1 tbsp of honey, 1 egg, 1 tsp of dried and crashed chamomile flowers and 1 tsp of finely chopped fresh mint. Apply to the face and neck, keep for 15-20 min and wash off with warm water.
In a blender mix 1 tbsp of instant nonfat dry milk, 1/2 of peeled cucumber and 1 tsp of plain yogurt. Apply to the face and keep for 20 min, rinse off with lukewarm water.
Combine mashed banana, 1 tbsp of honey and small amount of orange juice. Apply the mix to clean face and keep on for 15 min. Rinse off with warm water.
Mix together 1/2 tsp of honey and ½ cup of pureed cucumber. Apply to your face and leave for 30 min, rinse with lukewarm water.
Cleanser for oil-clogged pores: Mix together 1 tsp of milk, 1 tsp of honey and 1 tbsp of ground almonds. Apply mixture to your face and scrub lightly for couple of minutes. Rinse with cool water.
Cleans and rejuvenates face and neck: 20 g of laurel leaves bring to a boil in 100 g of water, let stand till cools down and wipe your face in the morning.
Honey water: feeds skin, softens it and smoothes wrinkles to some degree: Dissolve 1 tbsp of honey in 2 cups of warm water. Wash the face for 5-7 min before bed. Rinse with warm water with no soap..

Facial masks that bring color to pale skin:

Combine 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of orange juice. Mix very well and apply to clean face. Keep the mask on for as long as possible, but no less than 30 min. Wash off with warm water.
Whip 1 egg white with 1 tbsp of sugar. Keep on your face no more than 15-20 min. Repeat few times a week.
Fast short-term solutions for fresher skin :
Combine whipped egg white and fresh yeast till thick like facial cream. Keep on face for 30 min then wash off.
Whipped egg white mix with oat or corn flour till it reaches consistency of facial cream. Add 1 tbsp of lemon or 2 tbsp of tomato juices. Apply to a clean face and keep for 20 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Facial masks that whiten skin, soothe and smooth wrinkles:
Combine 1 raw egg yolk with 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of glycerin. Apply to the face and keep for about 2 hours. Wash off with lukewarm water. Keep the rest of the mix in fridge for no more than few days. This facial mask can be repeated 2-3 times a week.
Mix together 100 g of sour cream, 100 g of vodka, juice of 1 lemon and 1 raw egg yolk. Whip and keep in the fridge under tight lid. Apply on a clean face, neck and hands before bed. Wash off in the morning with warm water.
Carefully combine 1 whipped raw egg white, 1tsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of grated lemon peel and 2 tsp of oats. Mix well and apply to the face. Keep for 10 min. To remove this facial mask soften it with wet cloth and splash your face with cool water afterwards.
Mix together 100 g of honey and juice of 1 lemon. Apply thin layer to the face and keep on for 15 min. Wash off with warm water (no soap).
2, 5 g of gelatin place in 30 ml of water. When gelatin is ready add 60 ml of glycerin and 10 g of honey. Dissolve everything over the steam from boiling water. Cover face and neck using brush or cotton swab. Keep for 10-15 min, wash off with warm water.
Mix together 2 tsp of oat flour, 1 raw egg yolk and 2 grated carrots. Leave on your face for 20 min; wash off first with warm then cold water. Add 20 drops of lemon juice and use this facial mask as whitening.
Put 2 tbsp of yarrow grass and 2 tbsp of chamomile flowers in 750 g of boiling water, cover tightly and steep for 45 min. Wash your face twice a week, every time preparing fresh extract.
Mix together 1 tbsp of linden flowers, 1 tbsp of crushed fennel or parsley and 1 tsp of crushed sage or oak bark. Add 2-3 cups of boiling water and divide everything in half. One half of liquid should be 35-36° C and the other half-24-25° C. Use both halves in rotation to wash your face. Start with hot liquid and end with the cool one. Do it 2-3 times. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Revitol Anti-Aging Solutions

Anti-aging facial masks: Mix together 1 tsp of honey, 1 whipped egg white and 2 tbsp of flour. Apply to a clean face and keep for 10 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Mix 1 tsp of honey, 1 whipped egg white and 2 tbsp of flour. Apply to a clean face and keep for 10 min. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Winter facial mask: Peel 1 lemon, pick out seeds and mash it with fork. Apply rich cream to your face and cover it with thin layer of cotton (or cotton swabs).Distribute mashed lemon evenly over cotton. Apply new portions as old one dries up. Keep on for 10-15 min,remove and again apply any facial cream.
Facial mask for Sensitive skin: Put 1 tbsp of dry rose petals or sage in 2 cups of boiling water and steep till liquid cools down a little and becomes comfortably warm. Keep compress on your face for 2-5 min.
Facial scrubs and cleansers:
Combine 1 tbsp of sugar with 6 drops of olive oil. Carefully massage the mixture over damp face and rinse with warm water.
Combine equal parts of salt and olive oil and gently massage your face and throat for few minutes. Wash off with warm water and pat dry.
In 1 cup of boiling water put 1 tbsp of lightly crushed fennel seeds and steep for 30 min, filter and add 1 tsp of honey and 2 tbsp of buttermilk to the infusion. Keep cleanser in a fridge in a glass container. Use to cleanse face in the evening.
Eye cream : 10 g of crushed fresh parsley combine well with 20 g of unsalted butter.
Eyelids : Peel and grate small raw potato, squeeze out excess juice and cover 2 small pieces of cheesecloth with the mash. Place it on eyelids for 10-15 min.
Crowfeet: Take 2 pieces of stale white bread and soak them in warm milk or cream for a few seconds. Place bread over closed eyelids for 10-15 min. Best result is reached when procedure repeated every day for at least 1 month.
Finely shred white or red cabbage. Mix it with 1 tsp of crushed oats. Apply on clean face for 20 min. Wash off with warm water and apply moisturizing cream.
Combine 2 tbsp of oat or corn flour with 1 raw egg yolk. Whip mix until foamy. Apply on clean face with cotton swab. Keep mask on for 20 min and carefully remove with wet napkin. Wash face first with hot then cold water, pat it dry and apply your favorite cream.
Night cream : add juice of ½ lemon to 1 cup of plain yogurt and mix well. Apply to a face and keep overnight.

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