Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Dark Elbow and Knees Cure

In case of freckles and age spots, these are seen due to aging and in some cases as a side effect of medication, sun exposure and genetic reasons; black elbow is seen all due to sheer negligence on the same which has ultimately turned out into dryness causing the black pigmentation and dull look of the skin.
The easiest remedy for black elbow is care and little pampering on the skin tone of that area. Another reason which aggravates the roughness of elbow skin is frequent friction of the area with table or with any smooth surface for the day long. It is better to minimize the skin friction in order to stop further deterioration of the same problem in the elbow area.
The elbow skin gets dull due lack of exfoliation in that area. So when you have stared taking care of your black elbow you should remember that it is not an overnight patch so it will not be recovered overnight.
Regular gentle exfoliation of the area will help to lighten the skin pigmentation slightly, gradually, this remedy will restore the softness of the skin tone.
A smooth paste made of walnut powder and coconut oil help to scrub the dead cell layers from this area and keeps the elbow skin soft.
Rubbing a slice of lemon on the dark elbow helps to lighten the dark color of the skin tone. It is natural bleach, however, while using this remedy you should minimize the friction of the affected elbow to treat further worsening of the situation.
A mixture of lemon juice, cucumber extract, and paste of tamarind should be mixed together and need to smear the same on the dark elbow. Retain the mix on elbow for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This natural remedy improves the dark skin tone and improves the skin tone making it soft and supple.
A mixture of yoghurt and vinegar needs to be smeared on the dark elbow to prevent the dark skin tone and restore normalcy in the skin pigmentation.
It is important to drink adequate water and dilute fruit juice to hydrate kin cells internally. Regular application of cream at night on elbow helps curing the problem of skin tone naturally.
same cure can be applied for knees.

Blemished skin

Teenagers suffer the most, but spots and pimples can affect the skin at any age. Whether you suffer from the odd tiny pimple or regular spots, there are two things to remember: first, blemished skin always appears worse to the sufferer than to anyone else, and second, excellent products and treatments are available so that any blips and blemishes can be zapped out of existence in no time.

What are the different types of blemished skin?
Blemishes can range from blackheads on the T-zone to one or two spots on the chin to several spots all over the face.
Blackheads are caused by sebum blocking the hair follicle that oxidizes on exposure to the air.
Whiteheads are tender, red blemishes that develop raised, white centres. They occur when excess sebum blocks a hair follicle which causes the sebaceous gland to become inflamed.
Cysts are painful, red, fluid-filled lumps under the skin. They persist for several weeks and are more likely than other types of blemishes to lead to scarring.

What causes blemished skin?
Increased sebum production is, to a great extent, caused by hormonal imbalance which is often why spots are often triggered by the onset of puberty or during pregnancy. Temporarily blemished skin can be the result of overloading your body with pollutants such as alcohol, coffee, tea and the chemicals found in tobacco smoke and failing to supply it with essential nutrients. Add to this stress - which can increase the production of some hormones that affect the sebaceous glands - a lack of fresh air, exercise, sunshine and sleep and it's not surprising it shows on your face.

Balance skin from within Eating a balanced diet and, if necessary, taking appropriate supplements, is a vital part of creating a healthy complexion. Bear in mind that it takes a good three weeks for newly formed cells to reach the skin's surface, so it takes time for lasting results to show. Vitamins A, C and E, selenium and zinc are essential antioxidants that help to enhance collagen repair and generally promote skin healing. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) can also have a positive effect on skin as they form a barrier that prevents moisture loss that helps combat dryness, fine lines and wrinkles.

What to avoid if you have blemished skin
Blemished skin needs special care. Sometimes, less is more. Avoid:
Overwashing It can actually make spots worse as it strips away facial oils, stimulating the sebaceous glands to produce even more sebum.
Oil-based products They can lead to breakouts.
Aggressive scrubbing This will only make the problem worse.
Switching products Trying too many new things doesn't give anything a chance to work. Introduce one new product at a time, giving each at least three weeks to take effect.
Soap-containing detergents They will strip the skin of its natural acid mantle, disturbing the acid pH that protects the skin from harmful bacteria, including the type that can cause certain forms of spots.
Squeezing or picking spots This increases your risk of bruising, discolouring or even scarring the skin.
Sun exposure The sun can temporarily dry out blemishes and a light tan certainly makes you feel more attractive. However, sunscreen is still essential and you should weigh the short-lived pros against the long-term cons (an increased risk of premature skin ageing and skin cancer).

The best skincare routine for blemished skin
Blemished skin needs to be kept clean and moisturised like any other skin type. The key is to choose the right products.
Look for a pH-balanced cleansing bar or medicated cleanser that won't disrupt the skin's acidity. Rinse with warm, not hot, water.
Follow up with a mild toner (too much alcohol may cause irritation and drying), preferably with antibacterial properties. Toner works to restore the skin's natural acid layer that kills bacteria and protects the skin from breakouts.
Don't be shy about moisturising. Oily, blemished skin still needs hydration. Look for products that are non-acnegenic and non-comedogenic. Those that contain silica and polymers lift oil away from the skin.
Consider an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) product to break up dirt and oil and ensure the continual renewal of the skin's surface cells. Using a product with Retin-A at night will aid the exfoliation process.
Look for products containing benzoyl peroxide to treat pus-filled pimples. Products with salicylic acid or glycolic acid effectively unclog blackheads and whiteheads by drying and peeling the skin.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin

To prevent aging of the skin, use Aloe gel every night before going to bed.

1-As a moisturizer, Aloe Vera is very popular as it removes dead cells and also aids in the penetration of healthy substances. It reduces the intensity of pigmentation and lightens dark spots on the face.
2- If you have pimples, then you should apply Aloe gel to the affected area regularly

All types of skin herbal remedies

Combine 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp of honey, 1tsp of crushed oats, 3-4 drops of olive oil and 10 drops of lemon juice. Apply this mask to a face and place a cloth over it, soaked with hot parsley extract.(Chope some parsley,steep in 1 cup of boiling water and drain).
Yeast mask: whitens and refreshes all types of skin: combine yeast with milk to the consistency of sour cream. Apply on face and keep for 15-20 min. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry. Mix 1 tbsp of plain cottage cheese with ½ tsp of honey. Spread over the face and keep on for 20 min. Wash off with warm water. This mask is very good because it can be applied all over the face, including eye and mouth areas, therefore providing nutrients to a whole face.
Spring mask: Mashed young, fresh nettle leaves apply to a face and neck for 15-20 min or wipe them with fresh nettle juice. All types of skin can greatly benefit from this method as it brings out a natural beauty of skin color.
Cleansers that bring positive results to all types of skin.
Dissolve 1 tsp of honey in 1 cup of warm boiled water. Wait till cools down and add juice of ½ of lemon.
Combine 350 g of table salt with ½ cup of cream and rub the face and entire body with the mix. Wash off with hot water first and then with cold water. Hot and cold water, used in rotation,brings rejuvenating effect to all type skin.
Take well filtered juice of any one of the following-1 tomato, 1 peach, ½ of lemon, 1 orange or 1 tbsp of cucumber juice. Combine it with 1 tbsp of oat flour (can be made by crushing oats in food processor) and fresh milk until it is thick enough. Apply to face and neck and leave for 20-30 min. Wash off with cold water.
Tonic: Combine 1 raw egg yolk and ½ tsp of honey. Add 3-5 drops of olive oil, 10 drops of lemon juice and 1 tsp of oat flour. Cover face and neck and keep on for 15-20 min. Wash off with cool water.
Herbal tonics for all type skin: gently rub your face with cotton swabs, soaked with tonic. Avoid areas of skin where blood vessels are visible.

2 handfuls of dark red rose petals place in a glass jar and add 1 L of cold boiled water and 200 g of sugar. Let stand for 2 hours, shake, filter and keep in cool place.
2 tbsp of dry Echinacea flowers put in 570 g of boiling water and cover with a lid. Let stand for 2-3 hours, filter and keep in a jar in cool place.
2 tbsp of pink dog rose petals put in 300 g of boiling water and boil for 5 min at low heat. Steep for 30 min and filter

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