Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Nodular acne Causes Treatment Remedies

Acne is a constant inflammatory skin problem which can occur due to various factors including excess production of keratin and sebum, bacterial attack, etc. Acne is a very common problem which almost everyone has to encounter in their lives. The only difference is that some people have mild acne problem like whiteheads, blackheads, etc., but some have severe acne problem like nodular acne which is also called nodulocystic acne.
What is nodular acne?
In this kind of acne, the spots are developed in the lower layer of skin with hard and large lumps. These lumps are comparatively bigger than lesions and are painful. This kind of acne occurs on face, chest and back. The acne should not be squeezed as it can harm the skin.
Causes of nodular acne
It is well known that acne occurs due to blockage of skin pores. Sebaceous glands produces sebum and this has to pass from the hair shaft to the surface of skin. When a large amount of sebum gets locked up in the pores of skin, it causes acne. The blockage in skin deep causes nodular acne.
Treatment for nodular acne
Nodular acne should be treated in the beginning stage to avoid any complications. Now days, creams are available for acne treatment from mild acne to modular acne. But nodular acne is a severe kind of acne and needs oral antibiotic and laser treatment.
Home remedies for nodular acne
Natural remedies are also available for nodular acne treatment. These remedies work only if you use them on regular basis. Face should be cleansed with lukewarm water before applying any of the below given remedies.
Mint leaves: Application of fresh mint leaves juice should be applied on the affected parts as it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Apple cider vinegar: Dilute this vinegar in water in proportion of 1:3 and apply on face at night. Rinse the application next morning.
Tea tree oil: Application of tea tree oil can reduce nodular acne.
Cinnamon and honey mixture: This application helps in condensing nodular acne.
It should be kept in mind that this kind of acne should not be touched or squeezed as it can make it worse.

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