Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Sleek & Shiny Hair


Some people seem to have all the good fortune when it comes to healthy hair. They have thick, shiny hair that is gorgeous. However, other people only dream of having shiny hair, instead living with hair that is dull and lifeless. For these individuals, no matter what they do, they never can achieve that same shine. The good news is that regardless of your hair type, you too can have beautiful, shiny hair, simply by knowing how.
For brilliance and shine, you have two primary options. The first is to choose commercial products designed specifically to help with shine and the second is to make your own homemade products. Just remember that both options deal with materials that are usually, highly flammable. Therefore, whatever you do, never smoke or use these products near open flames. Additionally, some of these products will create build-up, creating a fire hazard should the hair come too close to an open flame so you want to use caution.
Although there are literally hundreds of products currently on the market, we have put together some of the top brands that people use:
  • Citre Shine Mist – The shine from this spray is instant and the fresh, citron fragrance gives the hair an overall clean and healthy appeal. Additionally, Citre Shine Mist consists of vitamins and has a formula that protects the hair from the sun’s UV rays. You can find this mist at most drug stores and salons for around $10.

  • Color Shine Enhancer – Created by BC Bonacure, this product produces a brilliant shine while also protecting the hair from harsh environments and the sun. Made from natural, fruit extracts, this enhancer is non-greasy, carried at most salons, and runs around $20.

  • Goldwell Trend Line Shine Spray – The finish created with this spray is very elegant, working well with any hairstyle. The product is lightweight, offers a light hold, and averages $12.50 a bottle. The one drawback to this product is that it can be challenging to find since only specific salons carry it.

  • Joico’s Spray Glaze – Considered a top seller, this formula offers a number of benefits to include protection from the sun’s UV rays, frizz control, an extreme, light gloss that produces exceptional shine, and it has a very pleasant fragrance. The cost for Joico’s is approximately $20 and it is available at most salons.

  • Ruse Deep Shine Hold and Shine Hairspray – The shine produced is non-sticky and resists humidity. The result of using this product is a natural and healthy shine, and priced at just $15 with wide availability, this is a popular choice.

  • Volumizers – Spray volumizers are a great option for adding a subtle mist of light that is delivered in droplets to help give the hair volume and shine without making it appear wilted.
When shopping for the right product, keep in mind that you want to choose ones that also deep condition. Now as mentioned, in addition to buying commercial products, you can also make things at home, which also work amazingly well. For example, consider some of the follow recipes:
  • Avocado - Mash one avocado in a bowl, and then mix it with one teaspoon of baking powder and one tablespoon of olive oil. After mixing well, work the mixture into your hair, making sure it is all covered. Leave this on your hair for 15 to 20 minutes, rinsing completely.

  • Strawberry Hair Mask – To condition your hair while giving it a rich gloss, mash eight strawberries in a bowl with one tablespoon of mayonnaise. Next, massage the mixture into clean, damp hair. Cover your entire head with a shower cap or piece of plastic, topped with a warm towel. Leave this on for about 15 to 20 minutes, at which time you want to shampoo and condition your hair.

  • Vitamin E – This vitamin is excellent for producing shiny hair. You can take supplements of simply add foods high in Vitamin E into your diet. Just a few examples would include wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, nuts, and brown rice.
You can also use your blow dryer to create sleek and shiny hair. Instead of spending significant money on high dollar products, you can use inexpensive hair products and your blow dryer to get magnificent results. You will need a towel, a blow dryer, brush and comb, hair barrette or claw-clip, shampoo and conditioner, and just a little bit of hair gel.
Start by shampooing and conditioning your hair. Next, twist it up in the towel to ensure all the excess water is removed. If you have medium to long hair, you might need to leave it wrapped for 20 to 25 minutes whereas for short hair, 10 to 15 minutes would suffice. Then, use a wide-toothed comb to comb out any tangles. When done, part your hair as you normally do.
For the next step, you need to gather your hair, twisting it with the exception of one thing layer at the base of the head. Then with the barrette or clip, pin the hair on top of your head. Now you want to blow dry loose hair. When completely dry, brush your hair out. The clip or barrette can be removed, at which time you blow dry another section of hair. Any damp hair will then be pinned back on top of your head.
Keep drying sections of your hair until it is all dry. Then, brush it out and style, or simply wear it straight. Then, you want to add a small amount of gel into your hands, working it into your hair gently to remove any frizz. For some reason, this technique of drying allows special attention to be paid to various sections of hair and when done, it will have a nice, healthy shine without any uncontrollable frizz.

Hair Style Imaging Software

If you are like most people, you have probably thumbed through a variety of magazines, looking at makeup and hairstyles, trying to envision how you would look with a change. Does that sound familiar? This is a common occurrence but the problem is that with someone else’s face attached to the hair, it is very difficult to get a realistic picture. The good news is that that, you have wonderful options with hair style imaging software, which allows you to take any hairstyle, cut, or color you like, and see what it looks like on YOU! As you will see in this article, you have a number of outstanding choices, with one of the best being www.stellure.com. With www.stellure.com, you will be amazed at all the features offered. Just a few examples, include being able to use their incredible, 3D technology, face modeling to view your look from all sides, massive database of hairstyles, a special wizard that will actually help you determine the shape of your face, and much, much more. With this hair style imaging software, you will have the opportunity to use their free, sampler trial. This will help you determine if you like this particular service.
One of the greatest aspects of using this hair style imaging software is that your membership period does not begin to run down until you have sent in your photographs and the 3D face model is complete. In other words, if you were to purchase the membership from www.stellure.com and then something happen, perhaps you become ill and for six months, you cannot check out the new styles, you still have an active membership, again, until your photograph is sent in. Once the photograph is received, you will have your model within 48 hours.
Another excellent option includes the Salon Styler Pro. Considered a leader in the hair style imaging software industry, this particular program is widely used by cosmetology schools and reputable salons. All of the makeup sessions are digital, featuring thousands of different hairstyles, cuts, and colors. As a bonus, you can also check out different makeup styles included with the package. Other features that you can enjoy with Salon Styler Pro include the following:
  • 3D simulation with selected hairstyles
  • Ability to add your own hairstyles
  • Ability to apply two different hair colors
  • Exceptionally easy to learn and use
  • Works on several computer operating systems to include 95, 98, NT, and XP
  • Backed by a 100% satisfaction guaranteed (10 days money back)
  • Video training lessons
  • Can be purchased in a number of languages such as:
    • Catalan
    • Chinese
    • English
    • Finnish
    • French
    • German
    • Russian
    • Spanish
When using any type of hair style imaging software, you need to do a few things to get the best results. The first is to determine the shape of your face. Different hairstyles look best on different shapes. Therefore, knowing the shape of your face will guide you in the right direction.
The best way to determine your face shape is to take a measuring tape and first measure your face across the top of your cheekbones. Then, you want to measure across the jaw line, making sure you measure from the widest points. Now, you will measure your forehead, again at the widest point. Finally, the tip of your hairline will be measured going down to the bottom of your chin.
Some faces you can compare with include Jennifer Aniston, Drew Barrymore, Janet Jackson, Naomi Campbell, Sandra Bullock, and Sophia Loren. Jennifer Aniston has a round face, which typically looks best with the sides of the hair being kept close to the face while promoting hair below the chin and a high crown. Typically, curly hair should be avoided, along with full, thick styles. For Drew Barrymore, she has more of an oblong face. In this case, you want hairstyles that have good volume, choosing medium length styles. Just try to stay away from too much hair, which would make the face appear larger.
Janet Jackson has a heart-shaped face, which looks beautiful with chin-length hair that has soft curls. Just stay away from full styles or styles that are slicked back. Next, supermodel Naomi Campbell has a square face. This means short to medium hair is best while geometric cuts or styles with parts down the middle should be avoided. For Sandra Bullock, she has a diamond-shaped face. This shape looks best with styles that have volume on the bottom, such as a Bob. However, you want to make sure your forehead has some type of bang, wispy being the best. For Sophia Loren, you see a triangular-shaped face. Short hairstyles look beautiful, as do layers. Just be sure you avoid long styles that tend to draw attention to the jaw line.
If you already have, a photograph that is a frontal view with your hair pulled away from your face, great. If not, then you will need to have one taken. Start by pulling all your hair away from your face, wetting it down and then combing it back and securing it. Remember, you want your face to show when using these programs, not your hair. Next, have a friend take a photograph and depending on the program you use, you will upload it or mail it in.

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