Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Diet for acne prevention

Diet plays an important part in prevention of acne. It especially helps in reducing acne from chest, shoulder, back and face. You do not need to do much to turn your diet into acne prevention diet. All you have to do is to cut carbohydrates and sugar from your food and limit the bad fats. Fats, grease and oils are those things which are needed to cut from the diet for prevention from acne. These kinds of substances can worse your acne problem so it is better to avoid such food stuffs. Salad dressings, eggs and mayonnaise are some of the things which could be included in diet to prevent acne problem.
Some researches have exposed that carbohydrates contains high glycemic index which is also known as GI and another substance known as glycemic load or GL plays important role in increasing acne problems in individuals. These researches also showcase that sugar and carbohydrates shares a common factor which is called glycemic load, and this encourages acne problems.
Diet for acne prevention consists of carbohydrates which have very less glycemic load and extra lean protein. There are some other food materials which should be avoided to get favorable result in acne prevention. These materials include dairy food like cheese and whole milk. Other then dairy food, sugar should also be avoided to get better results. Sugar is known to be one of the major reasons behind acne problem and so it is better to avoid it to get prevention from this problem.
There are many people who have doubt on the connection between acne development and every day diet. But, researches show that there is a strong relation between diet and acne development. Diet for acne prevention surely reduces acne as our body ultimately notices the change in food. Adults have the same kind of acne which adolescent have and in both the case oily and greasy foods should be avoided. It should be remembered that acne prevention diet only restricts acne to a limit and is not a cure. There are many other factors which can cause acne and those should also be considered.

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